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CAHNRS Department of Horticulture Genomics Lab

Undergraduate – Shane Moore

Shane Moore

Shane Moore


Your name and what is/was your background (what is your major, why science, etc)?
Shane Moore – Winemaker

Why did you decide to join a research lab? How did the experience compare to what you had expected?
More lab exp. – looks good on cv. – save the world. The experience was way more fun than I expected!

What was cool, exciting or most interesting about your time in the lab?
The people I worked with, and the realization of the endless possibilities of the work was the best part.

If there is something in particular you learned or discovered that you’d like to share with others, please take a moment to tell us about it.
I learned how entirely possible it was using selected mutations (and not just GMOs) to help create a more sustainable agricultural system.

If you would recommend conducting research in a science lab to others, what would you tell them to get them interested in the idea?
You’re only limited by your imagination.

We’d love to know what you’re up to, so please give us a brief description of where you are working or going to school now.
I’m the harvest enologist at La Crema – a massive pinot and Chard facility in Santa Rosa Ca. I’m looking to pick up a full time winmaking gig somewhere that suits my lifestyle but due to economics that has not been possible in the last year.

Did the lab experience help you with your classes or your perspective about science? Did working in the lab help you with developing other skills like time management or communication?
Of course, genetics afterwards was a breeze, and I was able to use some of my research to compose a term paper for a horticulture class. Working in the lab helped me speak nerd much better, which still get ooo’s and aww’s from supply company reps.

Was there anything in particular you would have liked us to do different to enhance your learning or interest from the time spent in the lab?
I would have liked to figure out clonal variation. I’ll bet you guys are getting close.

Do you feel better prepared for the workplace or future academic endeavors as a result of your time in the lab?
Yeah, its certainly helped to set me apart from the other millions of wanna-be winemakers out there.